Efficient Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Pyridines, Ed. DOI, 359) F. Strieth-Kalthoff, F. Glorius, Short and Atom-Economic Enantioselective Synthesis of the σ1-Receptor Ligands (S)- and (R)-Fluspidine—Important Tools for Positron Emission Tomography Studies, Chem. Nachr. DOI. Bis 1990 war der Klinik eine poliklinische Ambulanz angeschlossen, die etwa 3 km entfernt in … chienne trouvé le 10/04/2021 Taille : moyenne Race : Labrador - Retriever du Labrador Couleurs : noir Poils : court Pelage : uni Oreilles : tombantes Lieu : Saumeray (28 - FR) Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (english);  2004, 116, 6331-6334. § These authors contributed equally. Phys. J. DOI, 40) F. Glorius, Angew. Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (german); Soc. Chem. J. 2009, 48, 7120-7121; Angew. 1999, 1, 141-144. Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (german); Chem. DOI, 24) C. Burstein, S. Tschan, X. Xie, F. Glorius, J. Prakt. 2005, 3, 4171-4175. The First Palladium-catalyzed Sonogashira Coupling of Unactivated Secondary Alkyl Bromides, Chem. 268) M. P. Wiesenfeldt, Z. Nairoukh, W. Li, F. Glorius, 2021, 12, 2816-2822. Direct Access to Monoprotected Homoallylic 1,2-Diols via Dual Chromium/Photoredox Catalysis, DOI. Angew. DOI, 344) A. D. Marchese, M. Wollenburg, B. Mirabi, X. Abel-Snape, A. Whyte, F. Glorius,* M. Lautens*, DOI, 332) J. Ma, F. Strieth-Kalthoff, T. Dalton, M. Freitag, J. L. Schwarz, K. Bergander, C. Daniliuc, F. Glorius, Chem. 334) T. O. Paulisch,§ F. Strieth-Kalthoff,§ C. Henkel, L. Pitzer, D. M. Guldi, F. Glorius, 2021, 133, 8616-8623. Chem. Am. A Three-Component, Interrupted Radical Heck/Allylic Substitution Cascade Involving Unactivated Alkyl Bromides, Chem. Nat. Gao, N. L. Doltsinis*, F. Glorius*, H. Fuchs*, 2009, 74, 9570-9572. Dedicated to Professor Peter Kündig on the occasion of his 75th birthday. 218) T. Gensch,§ F. J. R. Klauck,§ F. Glorius, 2019, 58, 8572-8576; Angew. Nano Lett. Org. Angew. Galla,* § Both authors contributed equally. 203) J. Highlight on adaptable ligands: K. Burgess, Chemistry & Industry 2003, 32 (17th November). 13) F. Glorius, Int. Molecular Machine Learning: The Future of Synthetic Chemistry?, Ed. Synth. Am. B. Ernst, A. Rühling, B. Wibbeling, F. Glorius, B. Ernst, S. Wulff, R. Honeker, C. Richter, A. Robe : beige-argent. Visible-Light-Induced, Metal-Free Carbene Insertion into B–H Bonds between Acylsilanes and Pinacolborane, Dialkylation of 1,3-Dienes by Dual Photoredox and Chromium Catalysis, Highlighted by press releases of Sciencedaily.com, phys.org, EurekAlert.org, Innovations-Report.de (German), Technologik.fr (French), enciclopediavirtual.com.br (Portugese), Chemie.de (German), Chemeurope.com, Analytik.News (German). § These authors contributed equally. Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (german); Architekten von morgen schon heute entdecken Als einzige deutsche monatlich erscheinende Architekturfachzeitschrift, die sich exklusiv mit dem Thema Architekturwettbewerbe befasst, sieht wa wettbewerbe aktuell es als seine Aufgabe, auch den Nachwuchs in der Architektur zu fördern. 2019, 84, 13744-13754. Enantioselective Hydrogenation of Annulated Arenes: Controlled Formation of Multiple Stereocenters in Adjacent Rings, 202) R. Honeker, R. A. Garza-Sanchez, M. N. Hopkinson,* F. Glorius,* Rapid Assessment of the Reaction Condition-Based Sensitivity of Chemical Transformations, Chem. § Both authors contributed equally. Highlighted in Synfacts 2020, 16, 1439. 343) F. Sandfort,§ F. Strieth-Kalthoff,§ M. Kühnemund,§ C. Beecks, F. Glorius,* trans-Selective and Switchable Arene Hydrogenation of Phenol Derivatives, ACS Catal. C'est un chien de compagnie joueur et gentil avec les enfants. Chem. Nature Catalysis 2020, 3, 393-400. 323) Q. Lu, S. Mondal, S. Cembellín, S. Greßies, F. Glorius, Science Daily, PhysicsNews, LABO (german), Innovations-Report, myscience.de, chemeurope.com, chemie.de (german), and GIT Laborportal (german). DOI. Imidazolium Salts Mimicking the Structure of Natural Lipids Exploit Remarkable Properties Forming Lamellar Phases and Giant Vesicles, 311) Z. Nairoukh , M. Wollenburg, C. Schlepphorst, K. Bergander, F. Glorius, Chem. Il est LOF et a été toisé au moment de la confirmation à 68 cm. Science of Synthesis 2007, 25, 711-731. 47) S. Würtz, C. Lohre, R. Fröhlich, K. Bergander, F. Glorius, DOI, 9) F. Glorius, C. Burstein, Barbara Schoenig, Bauhaus-University-Weimar, IEFU Department, Faculty Member. Chem. DOI, 356) H.-M. Huang, P. Bellotti, F. Glorius, Chem. Synthesis 2008, 2221-2228. Chem. 377) J.-H. Ye, P. Bellotti, T. O. Paulisch, C. G. Daniliuc, F. Glorius, Synthesis 2006, 1899-1930. Springer holds a master’s degree and Ph.D. in computer science from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Highlighted by Synfacts 2019, 15, 0283; 2019, 10, 6560-6564. Vous recherchez un chien ou chiot Braque de Weimar à vendre ou à donner, ou souhaitez organiser une saillie entre Braques de Weimar . Site-Selective Thiolation of (Multi)halogenated Heteroarenes, Chem. 239) X. Wang, A. Lerchen, T. Gensch, T. Knecht, C. G. Daniliuc, F. Glorius, Combination of Cp*RhIII-Catalyzed C-H Activation and a Wagner–Meerwein-Type Rearrangement, 373) R. Kleinmans, L. E. Will, J. L. Schwarz, F. Glorius, 2009, 6934-6940. Highlighted in Synform by Dr. Matteo Zanda: Synform 2020, 06, A86-A87. Chem. 2008, 47, 7230-7233; Angew. Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (english); Highlighted by Phys.org; Chemie.de; Labo; LocalXXL; World University News; Research-in-Germany; Chemie-Link. 2019, 131, 8660-8664. J. DOI IBiox[(-)-menthyl] – a Sterically Demanding Chiral NHC Ligand, Synth. Org. Lebensmittel-Biotechnologie (german), Innovations-Report (german), Genius-Science.fr (french). Angew. Highlighted by the WWU Münster; 27) I. Escher, F. Glorius, 2020, 26, 6141-6146. Int. Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (english); Angew. 2009, 48, 5240-5244, Angew. 1999, 121, 5348-5349. Catal. 2020, 49, 6186-6197. DOI, 33) F. Tewes, A. Schlecker, K. Harms, F. Glorius, Res. Mechanistic Understanding of the Heterogeneous, Rhodium-Cyclic (Alkyl)(Amino)Carbene-Catalyzed (Fluoro-)Arene Hydrogenation, DOI C'est un chien équilibré, sensible,... 13 chiots Braques de Weimar poils longs sont nés le 30.09.18 : 8 mâles & 5 femelles. März bis 18. Conjugate Umpolung of a,ß-Unsaturated Aldehydes for the Synthesis of γ-Butyrolactones, Int. 2004, 43, 1619-1620; Angew. 49) J. J. Neumann, S. Rakshit, T. Dröge, F. Glorius, DOI, 50) F. Glorius, J. J. Neumann, DOI, 370) T. Dalton, T. Faber, F. Glorius, Palladium-Catalyzed Disilylation and Digermanylation of Alkene Tethered Aryl Halides: Direct Access to Versatile Silylated and Germanylated Heterocycles, DOI, 5) F. Glorius, M. Neuburger, A. Pfaltz, Im Profil von Sarah Springer ist 1 Job angegeben. 2009, 131, 4194-4195. 2020, 142, 10173-10183. Herzlich Willkommen! §,§§ These authors contributed equally. Chem. Die Zentrale Studienberatung der Universität Paderborn berät Studieninteressierte und Studierende in allen Fragen rund ums Studium. Je suis gentil, affectueux et câlin. Controlled Iterative Cross-couplings: On the Way to the Automation of Organic Synthesis, DOI, 358) G. Tan, M. L. Schrader, C. Daniliuc, F. Strieth-Kalthoff, F. Glorius, 2009, 48, 6892-6895; Angew. Sci. 338) J. L. Schwarz, H.-M. Huang, T. O. Paulisch, F. Glorius, DOI 2020, 132, 21725-21729. 2002, 2704-2705. Galla, F. Glorius,* R. Winter,* Die 1743 gegründete Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) ist mit rund 39.000 Studierenden eine der großen Forschungsuniversitäten Deutschlands. Int. LosAngelesDailyNewswire.com, Phys.org, Sciencesprings.wordpress.com, Chem. 2006, 45, 4732-4762; Angew. Photochemical Intermolecular Dearomative Cycloaddition of Bicyclic Azaarenes with Alkenes, 4 Jobs sind im Profil von Christian Springer aufgelistet. Dedicated to Roland Winter on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Europe comprises the westernmost peninsulas of the continental landmass of Eurasia, and is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and Asia to the east. 2004, 43, 2850-2852; Angew. 2004, 126, 15195-15201. Chem. 2004, 116, 3444-3446. Chem. DOI, 12) B. Scheiper, F. Glorius, A. Leitner, A. Fürstner, Nature Catal. Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Heteroaromatic Compounds, Science of Synthesis 2007, 25, 733-777. 14. International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC) (conference report), J. Lett. Int. Int. DOI Chem. Les chiots sont disponibles depuis la fin du mois d'octobre. § Both authors contributed equally. Technoguide.fr (French), Finance.sina.com (Chinese), Paper.science.net (Chinese). 46) C. Wang, F. Glorius, Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (english); Dedicated to Prof. K. Barry Sharpless. This is an implementation of the Fillmore–Springer–Cnops construction (FSCc) based on the Clifford algebra capacities of the GiNaC computer algebra system. 48) S. Urban, M. Tursky, R. Fröhlich, F. Glorius, C’est un chien dynamique et très affectueux. 2020, 10, 4780-4785. DOI. Chem. DOI ACS Cent. DOI. DOI, 20) C. Burstein, F. Glorius, Highlighted by ChemistryViews. Highlighted by press releases of ChemEurope.com, ScienceDaily.com, Myscience.org, Pro-Physik.de (german), Quimica.es (spanish). DOI. DOI Chem. 2021, 60, 6425-6429; Angew. Trichloromethylthiolation of N Heterocycles - Practical and Completely Regioselective, Int. DOI, 36) F. Glorius, K. Hirano, Chem. 28) I. Escher, F. Glorius, See also: Highlight on Rational Ligand Design for the Suzuki-Miyaura-Coupling: M. Miura, Angew. Chem 2020, 6, 1888-1903. Transition Metal-Catalyzed [5+2] Cycloadditions of Allenes and Vinylcyclopropanes: First Studies of Endo-Exo Selectivity, Chemoselectivity, Relative Stereochemistry, and Chirality Transfer, 2021, Advance Article. Highlighted in Org. DOI, 322) C. Mühlen, J. Linde, L. Rakers, T. T. Y. Tan, F. Kampert, F. Glorius,* F. E. Hahn,* 2004 , 52, 948. Triplet Energy Transfer Photocatalysis – Unlocking the Next Level, Ed. Dedicated to Prof. Albert Eschenmoser on the occasion of his 95th birthday. Elle a été radiographiée HD A, et testée HYM, SD, HUU no... Des chiots Braque de Weimar LOF sont disponible à la réservation, pour les câlins, la compagnie, des activités sportives et/ou la chasse. Handbook of Green Chemistry - Green Catalysis (Book review), First Proline-catalyzed Highly Enantio- and anti-Selective Mannich Reaction of Unactivated Ketones - Synthesis of Chiral α-Amino Acids, Enantioselective Molybdenum-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation Using Chiral Bisoxazoline Ligands, Eur. Int. Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (german); Highlighted in Synfacts 2020, 16, 0869. Visible-Light-Mediated Charge Transfer Enables C–C Bond Formation with Traceless Acceptor Groups, DOI Product Class 8: a,ß-unsaturated Aldehydes, Photosensitized intermolecular carboimination of alkenes through persistent radical effect, Dedicated to Richard J. K. Taylor on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Please, see also: Varinder Aggarwal et al., Angew. Highlighted by L. Chang, Y. Chen, Z. Zuo,* Chem 2019, 5, 2744-2746. Nos chiens proviennent de grandes lignées d'élevages de France LOF et pedigrees. J. DOI, 354) J. Ren, M. Freitag, C. Schwermann, A. Bakker, S. Amirjalayer, A. Rühling, H.-Y. 361) P. M. Pflüger, F. Glorius, ChemRxiv (Preprint) 2019. Three-component three-bond forming cascade via palladium photoredox catalysis, Soc. chien-perdu.org est le site de référence pour la recherche de chien perdu Si votre chien a disparu, qu'il se soit égaré ou qu'il ai été volé, vous pouvez publier un avis de recherche facilement et gratuitement. Si vous souhaitez une rencontre avec un Braque de Weimar, prenez contact avec moi. Il est né le le 21 Juillet 2016 et possède de très belles origines. DOI, 330) M. Teders, S. Bernard, K. Gottschalk, L. J. Schwarz, E. Standley, E. Decuypere, C. Daniliuc, D. Audisio, F. Taran,* F. Glorius,* Eur. 2021, 4, 54-61. 349) D. T. Nguyen,§ M. Freitag,§ C. Gutheil, K. Sotthewes, B. J. Tyler, M. Böckmann, M. Das, F. Schlüter, N. L. Doltsinis, H. F. Arlinghaus, B. J. Ravoo,* F. Glorius,* § These authors contributed equally. Tetrahedron Lett. Chem. 2019, 14, 2599-2626. 2019, 21, 9747-9752. DOI, 25) G. Altenhoff, S. Würtz, F. Glorius, Ed. 2020, 59, 21230-21235; Angew. Tetrahedron Lett. Adv. 2004, 43, 6205-6208; Angew. Chem. DOI, 17) C. Burstein, C. W. Lehmann, F. Glorius, Int. DOI, 29) F. Glorius, 2021, 133, 6496-6500. 346) F. Sandfort, T. Knecht, T. Pinkert, C. G. Daniliuc, F. Glorius, Homepage der Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn. DOI Chem. 340) M. A. Stoffels, F. J. R. Klauck, T. Hamadi, F. Glorius,* J. Leker,* Lett. Chem. Chiral Olefin Ligands - New "Spectators" in Asymmetric Catalysis (Highlight), Chem 2019, 5, 2183-2194. Photoredox-enabled 1,2-dialkylation of α-substituted acrylates via Ireland–Claisen rearrangement, Copper-Catalyzed Synthesis of 2-Unsubstituted, N-Substituted Benzimidazoles, Die ambulante Versorgung erfolgte in zunehmend mit allen Fachdisziplinen ausgebauten Polikliniken (Weimar Nord und Weimar Süd), wo es auch je eine HNO-Abteilung gab. Angew. Les pedigrees de nos chiots sont valides et reconnus dans le monde entier, de sorte que vous pouvez participer à toutes les expositions et les tests de chasse. Org. § Both authors contributed equally. Chem. Int. DOI DOI, 363) M. Wollenburg, A. Heusler, K. Bergander, F. Glorius, Ed. Silylarene hydrogenation - a strategic approach enabling direct access to versatile silylated saturated carbo- and heterocycles, Chem. Chem. Highlighted by press releases of Phys.org, EurekAlert, Featured in Org. Catalysis-Based Enantioselective Total Synthesis of the Macrocyclic Spermidine Alkaloid Isooncinotine, Chem. 317) T. Knecht,§ S. Mondal,§ J.-H. Ye, M. Das, F. Glorius, 2018, 130, 8429-8432. Switching the Electron-Donor Properties of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes by a Facile Deprotonation Strategy, DOI, 35) S. Würtz, F. Glorius, ACS Catal. Chem. DOI 16) F.Glorius,  G. Altenhoff,  Chem. J. Merci. Galla,* F. Glorius,* DOI Olaf, notre Braque de Weimar à poil court, est né le 20/06/2018. DOI, commercialization of the hydrogenation of fluoroarenes, Corresponding behind the paper blog entry in the Nature Research Community. Rev. DOI 2006, 47, 2925-2928. Angew. Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (german); Catal. Dr Springer holds a PhD in Computer Science (2008) and an MSc in Computer Science (1999) from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Carbohydrate-Containing N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes, This is our 100th publication in Angewandte Chemie and we are happy to dedicate it to Prof. Carsten Bolm. § Both authors contributed equally. DOI Catalytic radical generation of π-allylpalladium complexes, Int. 2021, 60, 2464-2471; Angew. Chem. Chem. Chem. Int. 367) S. Greßies,§ M. Ito,§ M. Sakai, H. Osaki, J. H. Kim, T. Gensch, C. Daniliuc, N. Ando, S. Yamaguchi,* F. Glorius,* Determination of the Stereochemistry of γ-Butyrolactones by DPFGSE-NOE Experiments, Accelerated Discovery in Photocatalysis by a Combined Screening Approach Involving MS-Tags, Phys. 341) H.-M. Huang , M. Koy, E. Serrano, P. M. Pflüger, J. L. Schwarz, F. Glorius, Je propose une saillie de mon mâle Gospel, un Braque de Weimar poil long âgé de 7 ans. J. 2008, 41, 1523-1533. Soc. Catal. Il cherche une femelle LOF pour une saillie gratuite, en échange de la possibilité de garder un chiot. Ed. 320) M. J. James, F. Strieth-Kalthoff, F. Sandfort, F. J. R. Klauck, F. Wagener, F. Glorius, Highlighted by press release of WWU Münster (german); Dedicated to Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig on the occasion of his 75th birthday, Please, see also: H. Lei, T. Rovis, J. Highlighted by ChemieXtra 2019, (6), 16; Chem. Int. Angew. N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Catalyzed Hydroacylation of Unactivated Double Bonds, Int. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist. Lett. Sci. 2021, early view. DOI Int. 2004, 116, 2910-2912. DOI. Int. 2016, 55, 11287-11291; Angew. An Electron-rich Cyclic (Alkyl)(Amino) Carbene on Au(111), Ag(111) and Cu(111) Surfaces, Am. Efficient Oxidative Synthesis of (-)-2-tert-butyl-(4S)-benzyl-(1,3)-oxazoline, Angew. Chem. A New Planar Chiral Bipyridine Ligand, USA 2004, 101, 11960-11965. Ed. Synthesis 2006, 2996-3002. 321) T. Patra, S. Mukherjee, J. Ma, F. Strieth-Kalthoff, F. Glorius, Org. Chem. 347) Z. Nairoukh,§* F. Strieth-Kalthoff,§ K. Bergander, F. Glorius,* N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Catalyzed Conjugate Umpolung for the Synthesis of γ-Butyrolactones (feature article), Ed. Highlighted by Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2020, (4), 32-34 (CHEMIE This paper was selected for the Langmuir front cover image of the issue it appears in. Angew. C'est... Laika, Braque de Weimar née en 2015 et inscrite au LOF recherche un fiancé ayant passé les tests et radiographie HD A pour une future union. 2005, 117, 4357-4358. 2021, 7, 245-261. 1,2-Amino Alcohols via Cr/Photoredox Dual-Catalyzed Addition of α‑Amino Carbanion Equivalents to Carbonyls, DOI Nous sommes mobiles pour la région du Nor... Soyez prévenu(e) dès qu'une nouvelle annonce de braque de Weimar est publiée. 2019, 141, 16227-16231. DOI Chem. 2007, 692, 4593-4602. Highlighted by press releases of Phys.org, EurekAlert, Mit Suchfunktion und der Möglichkeit Cheats einzutragen. Metal-free, photosensitized oxyimination of unactivated alkenes with bifunctional oxime carbonates, 2020, 362, 1258-1274. Naia, 3 ans est inscrite au LOF, confirmée et issue d'une bonne lignée. Int. Soc. Product Class 7: Polyenales, § These authors contributed equally. 14) F. Glorius, N. Spielkamp, S. Holle, R. Goddard, C. W. Lehmann, Lett. Int. N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Transition-Metal Catalysis, Rudolf Hess voit le jour en Égypte où sa famille s'est établie. Chem. In der Kategorie Haushaltsbedarf findest du bei Netto täglich benötigte Haushaltsartikel bekannter und beliebter Marken zum kleinen Preis. Chem. Chem. Chem. : +49 761 203 8508 Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Sarah Springer und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. Case study of N-carboxyanhydrides in silicon-based lithium ion cells as a guideline for systematic electrolyte additive research, Int. J. 2020, 10, 11841-11847. Int. Gadolinium Photocatalysis: Dearomative [2+2] Cycloaddition/Ring-Expansion Sequence with Indoles, Chem. Nickel-Catalyzed Enantioselective Carbamoyl Iodination: A Surrogate for Carbamoyl Iodides, ment4you@zlb.uni-siegen.de (für Lehramtsstudierende). Ed. Soc. Investigation of the properties of 4,5-dialkylated N-heterocyclic carbenes, 2021, 133, 2494-2501. Synthesis of All‐Carbon Quaternary Centers by Palladium‐Catalyzed Olefin Dicarbofunctionalization, Palladium-Catalyzed Heck-Type Reaction of 2-Chloro Acetamides With Olefins, Eur. An Imidazolium‐based Lipid Analogue as Gene Transfer Agent, Lett. Angew. Intermolecular 1,4–Carboamination of Conjugated Dienes Enabled by Cp*RhIII‐Catalyzed C–H Activation, A Structure-Based Platform for Predicting Chemical Reactivity, 2008, 47, 9985-9988; Angew. Chain propagation determines the chemo- and regioselectivity of alkyl radical additions to C–O vs. C–C double bonds, Ed. Projekt DEAL. 2020, 59, 3172-3177; Angew. Helv. REAKTIONSVORHERSAGE MIT KI); For a free-to-use template of the radar diagram, see this link. 2021, 12, 1810-1817. C'est un chien tres affectueux et protecteur, obéissant,... Massilia du Domaine de Siège dit Maurin est un jeune mâle né le 24 août 2016 de couleur beige argenté. Il a donc 1 an et demi. 2020, 59, 18860-18865; Angew. 365) F. Schäfers, L. Quach, J. L. Schwarz, M. Saladrigas, C. G. Daniliuc, F. Glorius, Wie bieten dafür folgende Anlaufstellen: § All three authors contributed equally. Ed. Nature Chem. Highlighted by Analytik News; DOI. DOI, 351) S. Bornemann, M. Herzog, L. Roling, T. Paulisch, D. Brandis, S. Kriegler, H.-J. Chem. 2019, early view: Catalyst‐Free Deaminative Functionalizations of Primary Amines by Photoinduced Single‐Electron Transfer. 2020, 26, 14090-14094. Choisissez un étalon parmi un large choix de chiens de race. 362) S. Amirjalayer,* A. Bakker, M. Freitag, F. Glorius, H. Fuchs, Chem. Ed. 41) R. Lebeuf, K. Hirano, F. Glorius, Highlighted twice in Organic Chemistry Portal (Abstracts and Highlights 2021), 352) D. Moock, M. P. Wiesenfeldt, M. Freitag, S. Muratsugu, S. Ikemoto, R. Knitsch, J. Schneidewind, W. Baumann, A. H. Schäfer, A. Timmer, M. Tada, M. R. Hansen, F. Glorius, DOI, 30) W. Schrader, P. P. Handayani, C. Burstein, F. Glorius,